Delivery Monitoring and Automated Ticketing (DMAT) is a cloud-based application that interconnects the asphalt plant, delivery trucks, office and paving at the jobsite. DMAT automatically gathers and centralizes relevant information such as quantities, mix temperatures, number of trucks loaded, current truck locations, job site arrival estimations, number of trucks returning or queuing for more loads, current screed width, current paver speed and amount of roadway that has been laid to provide real-time visibility.
The system generates digital weigh tickets at the plant that are delivered to a truck driver’s loaded app while using geofence recognition for the arrival of a delivery truck at the job site to track all activity digitally and simplify regulatory reporting and documentation. This simplifies truck monitoring and efficiency for contractors and provides the benefit of digital weigh tickets for agencies. Ultimately this system saves the contractor wasted money on trucking and reduces paperwork while expediting daily submittals for the agency.